The Last Christmas CD
December 9, 2020The Last Christmas CD
It was the noc before Xmas and all through the house, not a sweet tart was available — not even a measly grouse. The stockings were hung by the flat screens with care, in hopes that Netflix’s soon would be there. LOL! Seriously? Merry Christmas to all that are reading this letter. I want to thank all of you for your continued support throughout this year. It’s not been an easy one, and at times — it was a bit overwhelming. But I am comforted in knowing that this too, shall pass. Thank You, Father.
As most of you know, I give the gift of music during the holiday season. Specifically; Christmas music. Likewise, if you have been a part of my circle for any length of time, you probably already have this holiday gift tradition from me. If not, then Merry Christmas to you. I think you’ll find it a delightful treat for the holiday season.
Now, for those of you who already have this edition, it’s the same as last year, but alas and alack, no worries — I say to you, re-gift your extra copy. The music is timeless, and someone else will certainly be able to enjoy it, too.
Historically speaking, this gifting of Christmas music started for in 2004. I was working for Dillard’s and it was tradition by the store manger to give all employees a Christmas CD. The music was classic and standard, and it was also very boring. Hence, an idea was born. I would compile the best Christmas music I could find and do my own Christmas CD’s. During that discovery (of Christmas music) and creative process, I found that there’s only about 100 really good Christmas songs. And different artists do the same songs every year. So dutifully, every year I put together my compilations of “my very best.”
Going forward, this is “The Last Christmas CD” that I will be producing. With the onset of streaming services, it’s almost impossible to be able to burn a CD. And Apple’s Music sets limits on the number of CD’s you can burn. The powers that be are making it very difficult for me to continue this holiday tradition. And if you don’t have a CD player, then you’re really in a pickle. Of course, it’s not the gift — but the thought that counts. Right?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you… bgs.
Enjoy This Life Now.
It Has An Expiration Date. Thank You Father.